For some children, having a haircut can be an upsetting experience. If a child has sensory issues, is on the Autistic Spectrum, or just has a phobia of the hairdresser, then it can be very frightening for them, and very stressful for you.
First of all, please be assured it is a remarkably common problem. We see it every day and please believe us when we say we are very used to seeing children who become upset, and yes, in some cases, even hysterical.

At Little Bigheads we don’t have a one solution fits all
Every child and every family is unique and therefore every solution needs to be bespoke to them. We have worked very successfully with many children over the years to help them overcome their fears and make the experience of having a haircut more bearable, and even in some cases, now enjoyable. But we are realistic about the timescales for this process is and it can take many visits before a child is even ready to sit in the chair.
Applying restraint is an approach we prefer to avoid where possible – you may get a haircut achieved by whipping off the hair as quick as possible the first time round, but you’re storing up problems for the future. We much prefer a gentler, slower approach. We have children who come to visit us, sit in the chair, watch a film, meet their hairdresser and receive a little treat all without us actually doing a haircut – we don’t charge for this, it’s all part of our service. We ask parents to pop in every time they are in town so we can say hello and let their child get used to our surroundings. Only when we feel your child is comfortable do we attempt to do a haircut, and even then its on their terms. Lying down playing wth toys in the playroom? No problem. Sitting in the teepee cuddling the teddies? We’re in there with them. Sitting in the car outside the salon? Yes, we’ve seen it all and done it all!